May 29, 2001
The saga of Ian and Eve's past-life love affair
captured the imagination of viewers and cast members alike. And while it's
difficult to know for sure if such a thing is possible, the romantic in Julie
Pinson (Eve) would like to think so. "I saw the apart where Eve dies and
Ian's holding her in his arms and sobbing over his lost love," she says.
"That got me!" But when
it comes to her own history, Pinson envisions a very different kind of tale.
"Sometimes I think that if there was such a thing as a past life then i was
bird," she ventures, noting the irony that her last name in french is a
type of bird. "In my dreams, if I ever have to get away from something, I
always fly." Not only does Pinson dream of flying, she wants experience it
first-hand. "If I could, I'd love to learn to fly some day -- I just feel I
was meant to," she says. "I even have wings on my tattoo!"